A delicious green gem hidden in a stinky pulp!


Updated : 2023/02/18

Be careful when walking in autumn!

There is a big ginkgo tree in front of our house. My favorite tree with fresh green in spring, cool shade in summer, and yellow in autumn. However, you can’t just look at the yellow leaves in autumn. If you’ve ever walked under a ginkgo tree, you already know. Like the picture, orange fruits with a unique, strong smell can be found. Walk carefully with your head down and be careful not to step on the fruit

If you step on it, you will be in trouble! You can be sure that your family will complain about the terrible smell that will be brought into your home.

What part is the plump white ginkgo you see in stores?

Ginkgo biloba, a member of the Anacardiaceae family, contains an ingredient called Biroball, and some people seem to have allergic dermatitis when they touch it. Fortunately, the ginkgo nuts sold at stores do not have the orange fruit. The ginkgo nuts sold in stores are the seeds (nuts), and what we eat is the kernel. It reminds me of when I used to break the seeds of umeboshi with my teeth and eat the kernels.

What is the best way to eat ginkgo nuts?

The kernel turns a beautiful green color when heated. You can enjoy ginkgo dishes such as simply roasting with sprinkled salt (good with sake!), steaming in chawanmushi (savory egg pudding), and stir-frying chicken and ginkgo nuts. My favorite way to eat it is to make cracks in it with a hammer and bake it in a toaster oven for about 8 minutes. You can easily enjoy the simple taste of ginkgo nuts. The other method is to put them in an envelope and heat them in the microwave. This is quick and easy, but the appearance is not very good due to the explosion

It is said that you should not eat too much ginkgo. This is because it blocks the action of vitamin B6, which is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. In fact, there have been reports of vomiting and other symptoms after eating more than 50 pieces, so no matter how much you like it, it is better to limit yourself to 6-7 pieces for adults and 1-2 pieces for children. After all, it is better to peel the shell carefully and appreciate them a small amount.

Source:Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Weather News